On Friday, February 13th Floyd T. Binns middle school held a state Scrabble tournament; the first in 25 years. Our 18 students were among the 22 students in fifth, sixth and seventh grades that teamed in pairs to compete in the tournament. Our students walked away with second and third places, where they received trophies along with department store gift cards. The second place team now gets to advance to the National School Scrabble Championship on April 24 and 25 in Providence, R.I. When talking with students they agreed that a lot of the game is really just luck of the draw, but there is skill involved. While playing they use strategic planning, mathematical skills, spelling, team work, collaboration, and creativity. You also have to factor in that they know lots, and lots of words. When the students were asked to use one word to describe their experience at the Scrabble tournament, here is what they said:
Preston: Stressful
Jordan: Frightening
Lakin: Callous
Katie: Remorseless
Michael: Energizing
All of the above students contributed to the writing of this post.